


Concrete and Process Of Concreting



Cement concrete is an artificial stone obtained by mixing water in a mixture of cement sand and gravel when it dries. It also provides reinforcement when cementing in concrete. Sand is used to increase volume and reduce strength as needed and gravel is added to increase volume and provide strength. Water combines with other components and allows the concrete to undergo a chemical process. Concrete is manufactured according to the strength of the weak. It depends largely on the ratio between the components of the concrete.


Types Of Cement Concrete

There are three types of cement concrete in terms of structure.

1.      Plain Cement Concrete

2.      Reinforced Cement Concrete

3.      Pre-Stressed Cement Concrete

Plain Cement Concrete

Cement concrete that does not use steel or any other metal is called plain cement concrete. Such concrete has a particularly high compressive strength but in tension such concrete is weakened.  The compressive strength in such concrete is 10 percent relative to the tension. Such concrete is used only in places where tension does not apply, such as in floors and foundations.

Reinforced Cement Concrete

In plain cement concrete, steel bars are used to increase the tensile strength or to increase the compressive strength. Concrete in which steel is given to reinforce any other metal bars is called Reinforced cement concrete. This type of concrete is used everywhere in the building. Its strength is much higher than that of plain cement concrete.

Pre-Stressed Cement Concrete

In this type of concrete the steel bars are stretched before the use of concrete. Different components of the building are manufactured in the factory using this type of concrete. It is stronger than all other types of concrete. Steels bars in this type of concrete are used more strongly. There are two types of it in terms of preparation.

o   Pre-tension R.C.C.

o   Post tension R.C.C.

Ingredient Of Concrete:

To make cement concrete, the five components are mixed in special proportions as required. These are the five components.

o   Cement

o   Fine Aggregate

o   Coarse Aggregate

o   Water

o   Reinforcement Bars


Ordinary Portland cement is used in common types of works. Specific types are used for specific tasks. Whichever type is used must be fresh and in accordance with the specified specification. Cement should be stored in a dry place as it has a high moisture absorption capacity. If the cement is frozen or partially frozen, such cement should not be used as the strength of such cement is very low.

Fine Aggregate

Fine aggregates should be hard and granular and should not contain soil, organic matter and other densities. The fine aggregate should conform to the specified specification.

click and read  Building Material Sand

Coarse Aggregate

Stone gravel, gravel and brick gravel are used as coarse aggregate to make cement concrete. The size of the aggregate is determined by the nature of the work. In case of using steel, the size of the aggregate should not exceed the distance between two steel bars. Coarse aggregate should not contain dirt and dust. Aggregate made of strong stone should be used. Should use full baked bricks using brick aggregate. Not all loaves of bread should be the same size Must be graded this increases the weight and strength of the concrete.


In the presence of water the cement is solidified by chemical process. Concrete is weakened due to bad water. Therefore the water used in making concrete should be clean, potable water is considered suitable for making concrete also the water should not have lubrication and stagnation. Water used in concrete should also not contain organic matter.

Reinforcement Bars

  Steels used Reinforced cement concrete are made from mild steel. In which the amount of carbon is less than 0.25 percent. This steel is soft which can be easily bent. Bending steel, there should be no cracks in the steel at the bending place Also steel should be protected from rust. The size of the steel should be according to the specification.

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Characteristics Of Good Cement Concrete

A good concrete should have the following Characteristics:


Concrete should be strong depending on the nature of the work. Concrete is strong enough in compression but weak in tension. Steels bars are used to strengthen the tension


Concrete should be durable so that it does not lose its strength due to climatic effects such as wind, rain and temperature changes. In addition the concrete must be strong enough against the chemical effects in the atmosphere.

Fire Resistance

Concrete must be strong enough to withstand fire. In the event of a fire, the building should not collapse too quickly.


Concrete should have a minimum of voids which will increase the weight of the concrete which will give extra strength. The heavier the weight, the greater the weight.


Concrete should be hard enough to prevent wear due to friction. This feature should be especially in concrete used in floors and roads.


The amount of water in the concrete should not be excessive as it reduces the strength. Concrete should only be thin enough to be easy to place.


Concrete should be such that it shrinks to a minimum when dry, with a slight increase in the amount of sand to remove this defect.


  Concrete should not be prone to breakage after bearing constant and constant weight. The amount of water in the concrete should not be excessive as it reduces the strength. Also, concrete should not be weakened by repeated loading and unloading.


Different types of concrete are produced for different purposes. The concrete produced should be less costly depending on the purpose.


The finished surface of the concrete should be beautiful because the right amount of water and the right amount of water enhances the beauty of the concrete.

Process Of Concreting

 There are many steps involved in preparing concrete and putting it in place for use which is like as

process of concreting


o   Mixing

o   Transportation

o   Placing

o   Compacting

o   Curing

Batching Of Concrete

The process of measuring different components of concrete according to the ratio of concrete is called batching of concrete. Components of concrete are measured in two ways

 By Volume

By Weight

Batching Of Concrete By Volume

For general types of construction work, different components of concrete are measured in terms of volume.  A box equal to the volume of a cement stall is made to measure the components. The volume of a bag of cement is 35.5 liters ie 0.035(1.125cft) cubic meters. The amount of sand and gravel to be used in a cement bag is measured according to the ratio of concrete.  Usually the amount of sand is three times or four times the amount of cement while the amount of gravel is kept twice the amount of sand. In this way, their quantities are measured and the cement is used without measuring. If there is moisture in the sand, then some more sand is added according to the moisture content.

Batching Of Concrete By Weight

It is better to weigh the concrete components according to the set ratio. This is the method used in important works.  In this respect the finished concrete is stronger than the components. A concrete stall weighs five kilograms. To measure the amount of sand and gravel according to the prescribed ratio, 50 kg sand and 50 kg aggregate are prepared on a scale which is matched according to the ratio. Heavy machinery is used for large works. There are 500 kg and 1000 kg scales made by weight. Balance weight is also used to measure the weight.

Mixing Of Concrete

The concrete components are mixed well. If the concrete components are not mixed well, the amount of cement in some parts of the concrete will increase and in some parts it will decrease. Which will reduce the amount of cement will not be able to achieve the desired strength. Concrete components are mixed in two ways.

o   Hand Mixing

o   Machine Mixing

Hand Mixing

Concrete components are usually mixed by hand on small projects. This method is not considered better. Since machinery is expensive. Therefore it cannot be used on small projects and has to be shaken hands. The first suitable size is made for shaking the concrete components. It should be water tight so that the water used in the preparation of concrete is not wasted. On this platform cement and sand are mixed well with the desired ratio. After mixing, the two ingredients are stirred until the whole material becomes one color. The gravel is then smoothed by placing it on the platform according to the ratio and then a mixture of cement and sand is poured on it. The three ingredients are then stirred until the whole material becomes one. Then a certain amount of water is added to it and it is taken well so that the concrete is ready.

Machine Mixing

The concrete components on the large project are mixed with the machine. This machine is called concrete mixing machine.  Batching plants are used for this purpose in very large projects.  The speed of performance is very high while the quality of extensions is also good.  According to this method, the concrete components are poured into the machine according to the prescribed ratio to mix the concrete. The drum of the machine combines all the ingredients.  If the machine is rotated for too long, it begins to separate from the concrete components.

Transportation Of Concrete

Concrete is not prepared in the place where it is used but in a suitable place near it. After mixing the concrete, it is transported to a suitable place of use. The transport of concrete to the place of use after mixing is called transportation of concrete. This process requires great care as there is a risk of dissolving dissolved water in the concrete and separation of the concrete components. Concrete should be transported in such a way that the concrete can be delivered to the desired location within the initial time period. The different methods of transportation of  concrete are as follows.

·         Steel pan method

·         By wheel barrow

·         By dumper

·         By tripper

·         By truck mixer

·         By tower lift

·         By cable ways

·         By crane

·         By belt conveyor

·         By pumping

Placing Of Concrete

The concrete should be put in place immediately after mixing. You should use the concrete before the start of the initial setting time of the cement. The initial hardening time of ordinary Portland cement begins 30-45 minutes after pouring, so ordinary cement concrete should be used within that time. In no case should concrete be used after the start of the initial time nor should it be re-mixed with water. Putting the finished concrete in its proper place is called Placing of concrete. Concrete should be poured in a thin layer and each layer should be pressed well. After pressing well, another layer should be laid. Concrete should not be dropped from a height while pouring; otherwise its components will fall apart. The separation of concrete components in this way is called segregation.

Compaction Of Concrete

After preparing the concrete and putting it in the relevant place, it is pressed well so that no vacuum remains inside the concrete. Concrete is made workable for this purpose. In the normal type of work, it is pressed with the help of rod and with the help of trowel. In the process of pressing, care is taken that no corner etc. is left empty. In the case of concrete is pressed exclusively around the steel bars. When pressing, care is taken that the steel does not move out of place.  In large works, the process of pressing concrete is done with the help of vibrators. There are three types of vibrators.

·         Internal Vibrator

·         External Vibrator

·         Surface Vibrator

The internal vibrator is used by inserting fresh concrete.  External vibrator is used outward with formwork. The surface vibrator consists of vibrating hit plates that are used to compress low-thickness components of concrete.

Curing Of Concrete

Different methods are used to preserve the amount of water in fresh concrete. The process by which the waste amount of water is added back to the concrete is called curing of concrete.

There are two ways to do this.

·         The surface of fresh concrete is covered in a moisture barrier layer which saves the amount of water present in the concrete. The moisture barrier layer contains tar, paint and other chemicals.

·         The concrete surface is watered periodically and covered with empty cement bags, patson bags or sand to prevent water loss. After 24 hours of concrete, the work of plowing is started and the plowing is done for three weeks. In no case should the curing take less than ten days.

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