


Mortar ( Building Construction)



Fine aggregate, a substance obtained by combining a binding material and water in a special ratio, is called a mortar. Fine aggregates usually use sand, stone dust and
, while cement and lime are used as binding materials.

Mortar ( Building Construction)
Mortar ( Building Construction)
Uses Of Mortar


Mortars are used in construction works for the following purposes:

·         Used in the masonry of bricks, stones and concrete blocks.

·         Provides smooth surface for bricks and stones or concrete blocks during masonry.

·         Using for plastering and pointing in construction works.

·         Coarse aggregate is used in the preparation of concrete to join together.

Types Of Mortar

The mortar is named after the material used in the mortar which is as follows.

·         Lime Mortar

·         Cement And Lime Mortar

·         Cement Mortar

Lime Mortar

The mortar in which lime is used as the binding material is called lime mortar. This mortar uses sand, ginger and ash etc. as inert materials. Fat lime is used to make lime mortar for plastering, while hydraulic lime is used in masonry. Granded sand should be used where strength is required. In which the fineness modulus of sand are 2 to 3. fat lime should be used in this sand to get better results. Whose fineness modulus range from 1.5 to 2.5. If a ginger is to be used, the ginger should be fine-tuned. Coal ash is also used for minor works.

Cement And Lime Mortar

Cement is used when the lime is to make the mortar stronger and to reduce the setting time of the mortar. Cement is added to only the part of the mortar that can be used within two hours. This type of mortar is used successfully everywhere except in RCC. The setting time of lime and cement varies so caution is required in mixing them. there are three ways to prepare using them.

·         Cement and sand are mixed separately in the required proportions in the dry state and mixed with lime and water is prepared separately. The two are then mixed to make enough mortars that can be used in two hours.

·         Lime and sand are mixed separately in the required proportions in the form of hard lime. A mixture of lime and sand is prepared throughout the day. Then enough mortar is prepared to mix the suras that can be used in 45 minutes.

·         Cement and sand and lime are first mixed in the desired proportions. Then mortars are prepared by mixing a small amount of water.  It is not enough to mix in water that can be used in two hours

Cement Mortar

Cement mortar is much stronger than lime mortar and catch the strength quickly. The same mortar is used almost everywhere today. Hands mixing are used to prepare small amounts of mortars. If more mortars are required, it is mixed with the machine. Sand and stone dust are used as inert material in mortar. Sand is commonly used in brick masonry and plastering.  While in stone masonry stone dust are used.

Preparation Of Cement Mortar

Cement masonry is prepared by hand for small works. Produced by machine for large tasks.

  Hand Method

A solid and clean place is first prepared for hand mixing Where to mortar up. For this purpose wooden planks are usually mixed together. Sand is laid to remove holes and cracks in these boards. Sometimes a solid brick floor is made for this purpose. Once the place for making the mortar is ready, the required amount of sand is spread according to the ratio of the prescribed mortar. The required amount of cement is then poured on the sand. In good condition the cement and sand are turned over at least three times. When the color of the mixture is the same, a pit is made in the middle by collecting it in one place. Then the required amount of water is poured into this pit. Dry material is picked up from the sides and poured over the edge of the pit so that water cannot escape from the pit. When all the water is absorbed, the wet material is shaken well. This mortar is ready to use when all the ingredients are the same. Only the amount of the problem should be used in half an hour

Machine Mixing

Mortars for large works are prepared by machine. The machine used for this purpose is called concrete mixer. This machine is powered by electric motor or diesel engine. Drums are also poured in the required amount of sand or cement. So the mortar is ready. Machine-mixed mortars are better because they blend better. A quantity of mortar is prepared which can be used within half an hour.


Truck Mixing

A specially designed truck is used if you want to prepare mortars for a very large project. Which takes the mortar from the store (where the cement, sand, etc. is stored) to the place of use. The amount of dry sand and cement at the store is measured and put in the truck as well as the required amount of water that’s saves mixing time.

Preparation Of Cement Mortar

Preparation Of Cement Mortar

Precaution Using In Mortar

The following precautions are taken in the use of mortars in construction works:

·         The adhesive material used in the mortar should be used before the time of initial hardening begins. If for some reason this made mortar cannot be used, then the mortar should not be used when it is slightly hardened.

·         The lime is kept wet after grinding. The mortar is covered with a wet sack of pat san to keep it moist. Masonry made of lime is kept for six days. While masonry made of cement mortar is kept for ten days.

·         Masonry should not be done in a day up to a height of more than 1.5 meter. After 1.5 meters of masonry, more masonry should be done two days after lime mortar and one day after cement mortar.

·         These are thoroughly wetted before masonry so that they do not absorb the water contained in the mortar.

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