


Chain Surveying


Introduction Of Chain Surveying

China survey is a traditional method of surveying which does not have much accuracy. This survey is done for a less important project or to get preliminary information about a important project. In this survey, China is used to measure the length of survey lines. There is different type of chain. its selection according to the purpose of the survey.. All this information is entered in the field book.

Chain Surveying
Chain Surveying

Instruments Used In Chain Surveying

Distance Measuring Instruments

·        Chain

·        Steel band

·        Tap

Instruments For Ranging

·        Ranging Rod

·        Line Ranger

Angles Measuring Instruments

·        Abney Level

·        Clino Meter

Marking Instrument

·        Arrow

·        Peg

Perpendicular Erecting Instrument

·        Cross Staff

·        Optical Square

Graphical Instrument

·        Plani Meter

·        Panta Graph


Method For Chain Surveying

       i.            Reconnaissance

     ii.            Preparation Of Index Plan

  iii.            Selection Of Station Points

  iv.            Selection Of Base Line

     v.            Chaining

  vi.            Taking Offset

vii.            Drawing Work


A preliminary survey of the entire area is carried out before starting the China survey And the index of the whole area is planned. These places include roads, canals, streams, canals, railway lines, power poles, telephone lines, cemeteries, settlements, and forests. The area to be surveyed in China is first inspected .In this inspection, the whole area is surveyed. An index plan is also called a key plan.


Preparation Of Index Plan

After a preliminary inspection of the area, a rough sketch of the entire area is prepared. The sketch which shows the prominent areas of the area such as the boundaries of the area, railway line, roads, drains, population and cemeteries etc. is called the Index Plan.


Selection Of Station Points

After moving around the area and preparing the index plan, the selection of station points is carried out.  Station points are selected in such a way that the next and previous stations are visible from each station  And they can also be measured. The station points in the China survey are selected so that the whole area is divided into different parts and then all the lines are measured with the help of chain and tape. Care is taken while selecting the station points. The stations are visible to each other and the distance between them can be measured with the help of China. There should be no barrier between any two connected stations.


Selection Of Base Line

After choosing the station point, the route of the base line and other lines is decided. This is an important step during which an effort is made to ensure that no area is far from the survey line so that the details of all the important points can be obtained and the lines can be passed at a minimum. The baseline is passed through the middle of the area so that it does not face any obstruction as the accuracy depends on the same line. The whole area is divided into triangles to pass the other lines. The choice of check line and tie line is also implemented to check the survey work.

At this stage the set take is measured and the data of the key points located around the lines are obtained.


  At this stage the baseline is measured and the details of the key points around it are obtained then similarly other lines are chained. The distance from the beginning of a point on the chain line is called changing. Full details of the survey are recorded in the field book. This description includes reference sketches of all designated stations and index plan of the entire area and names of all chain lines. For them, the direction of a single line is recorded with respect to the north direction. Different station points are also displayed in this diagram. At the same time the measurement of the important location on both sides of the lines is noted in the field book in case of changing and offset.


Method For Chain Surveying
Method For Chain Surveying

Taking Offset

Their distances from China are measured to note the different locations around the China Line. The distance from China to a place is called offset. If this offset forms the angle of inclination along the chain line, it is called vertical offset. If its angle is any other than 90 then it is called oblique offset. If the distance of a point is far from China and the length is not measured there, but the rays are applied from two places in China, then it is called long offset. The length of the offset is determined on both sides of the chain line for taking offset. Its length depends on the importance and nature of the project. After measuring the chain line, it is measured by laying the chain on it. At this stage the details of the various bodies present on both sides of the chain line are noted. For this, the offset is taken to the relevant object from China. Offsets can be vertical or oblique. One vertical offset number is sufficient while diagonal offsets are taken for at least two And it is noted on the field book. The length of the offset and the distance of the chain line at its starting point are also noted. The maximum length of the offset depends on the importance of the project for which it is being surveyed. It is usually 30 meters for road and 100 meters for railway line. If there is an obstruction in the measurement between the object and the chain line, rays are applied to the object from both sides of the chain line The radios of these two points along the distance and the angle formed along the race chain line are noted and all these details are recorded in the field book.


Drawing Work

The drawing is then prepared according to these details. For this the first chain lines are displayed on the drawing sheet according to the appropriate scale. If there is a slight decrease in it, it is corrected and then other details are fixed on these lines and their respective marks are displayed according to the scale.

Method For Chain Surveying
Method For Chain Surveying

After completing the survey fieldwork, a drawing of the entire area is prepared. In which all the details obtained are displayed. The work done is examined before the drawing is prepared and every effort is made to avoid revealing any details. To prepare the drawing, first the scale is selected according to the size of the area and the size of the drawing sheet. Then it is prepared accordingly and all the details are displayed in it. All these details are displayed with the help of set marks. To prepare the drawing the first baseline is displayed in the appropriate direction, according to the selected scale. The other lines are then displayed on the drawing set, forming triangles. If an error is found after display, it is removed. Then the data entered in the field is scaled to the right and left of each line.

(if you want to lean the full topic relate to bearing capacity then visit to blow link)

Bearing Capacity Of Soil : Soil Mechanics 

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