


Sources Of Dampness In Building


Water Proofing


During the construction of the building and after the completion of the building, water enters different parts of the building from different sources which is called dampness. This dampness affects the beauty of the building and makes the building work longer. Various measures are taken to protect the building from the harmful effects of dampness which is called water proofing.

Sources Of Dampness In Building
Sources Of Dampness In Building

Sources Of Dampness In Building


The following are the sources of dampness entering the building.

1.      Climatic Causes

2.      Structural Causes

Climatic Causes

The building enters dampness from various natural sources, the details of which are as follows.

·         When it rains, water reaches different parts of the building which takes the form of dampness.

·         Usually on rainy days the groundwater level rises considerably which causes the foundation of the building and other lower parts to be affected by dampness.

·         An increase in air pressure causes dampness in the air to take the form of water, which damages the roof, floor and walls of the building. This condition occurs in severe cold weather.

·         Rainwater accumulates under the building built in low lying areas and damages the building.

·         Due to the poor alignment of the building, some walls are more affected by rain because these walls are more exposed to rain and do not get much sunlight.

Structural Causes


The water used during the construction of the building damages the buildings and also the building is damaged due to poor constructions which are described below.

·         Adequate water is used during the construction of the building because the walls of the building and other parts of the building remain wet for a long time and the salts present in it are damaged. If the walls and other parts of the building are plastered and painted before the water dries, then the water present in these parts of the building damages the building.

·         Poor construction of the building also causes dampness to enter the building. Poor construction includes non-compliance with DPC standards and incorrect roof and wall joints. It also involves not connecting the water supply and sewerage pipes properly. For these reasons, dampness enters different parts of the building.

·         The building enters the building due to the use of faulty materials in the construction, for example, if second class bricks are used or the amount of cement used in concrete is less, the building will absorb dampness from the constructed atmosphere. Also on rainy days it will absorb more rain water. This reduces the age of the building.

Sources Of Dampness In Building
Sources Of Dampness In Building

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Bad Effects Of Dampness:


·         Dampness can cause the following damage to the building.

·         The iron used in building construction rusts.

·         Dampness causes the plaster to crumble.

·         The joints between the different layers of the floor are finished.

·         Dampness spoils the whiteness and painted.

·         Bricks and stones cause salts to accumulate on the masonry surface, causing the surface to deteriorate.

Sources Of Dampness In Building

·         The wood used in the building starts to rot due to dampness.

·         Damage to pipes and other equipment used for electrical installations and other facilities due to dampness.

·         Dampness causes germs in the building which has a detrimental effect on the health of the occupants of the building.

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